
What Causes Dry Red And White Itchy Scaly Skin On Ankles And Feet ?

Dermatitis: dry and itchy peel

Our lower legs can sometimes become inflamed or itchy. This is known equally dermatitis.

What causes dermatitis / dry out, itchy skin?

Dermatitis on the lower legs can often exist caused by eczema. Eczema is a mutual skin condition that comes in many forms and affects people of all ages. It's non contagious, so you can't take hold of it from someone else.

Contact eczema / dermatitis

Contact eczema / dermatitis accounts for 70-ninety% of all occupational skin disease. It is an iflammatory skin condition  caused by external irritants such as body lotions and creams, or by habiliment that contains wool.

Atopic eczema / dermatitis

Atopic eczema is more common in children but you can as well develop information technology for the first fourth dimension as an developed.  It is not clear what causes atopic eczema simply it often occurs in people who have allergies.

Varicose eczema / dermatitis

Varicose eczema happens when loftier pressure level in the veins in the legs pushes our blood into the skin tissue. This causes irritation. Varicose eczema is usually red and very itchy with scaly patches. Sometimes yous may take patches that are as well weeping or notice reddish brownish staining above your ankle. Varicose eczema tin can exist itchy and you are advised non to scratch and this can exacerbate the itchiness and damage or break the pare.

Getting diagnosed with dermatitis

If you have dry, itchy or scaly skin on your legs, brand an appointment at your GP practice. You may be given an appointment to see the nurse rather than the doctor equally nurses are oftentimes responsible for caring for patients with leg problems.

Alternatively, there might be a Leg Gild  or specialist leg dispensary in your area. You don't demand to be referred by your GP to attend one of these.

When you meet the nurse or doctor, they should:

  • Ask about your symptoms and how long you lot take had problems
  • Examine your lower legs

If information technology looks like you take varicose eczema, you may be offered a simple exam called a Doppler ultrasound. This test compares claret catamenia in your ankle with that in your arm to observe out if in that location are claret flow problems in your lower leg. Yous might have to come dorsum to accept your Doppler exam on another twenty-four hour period or at another clinic but you should have this examination inside a few weeks of your offset engagement.

Yous may also wish to visit your local pharmacy in the first instance and speak to a pharmacist who may exist able to assist.

Treatment – what treatment will I exist offered for dermatitis?

If you accept whatever class of eczema, the most important thing is to keep your skin clean and well moisturised. Avoid soap and washing with hot water as this tin can dry the skin and cause irritation, utilise warm water. Employ a moisturising soap substitute when washing, bathing and showering.

Later on washing gently dry the peel avoiding excessive rubbing to reduce friction and irritation. Ensure the skin is fully dry before applying a moisturiser paying particular attention to in between the toes. Applying the moisturiser in a down motion not against the hair growth can help prevent irritation of the hair follicle from the moisturiser. Allow the emollient to soak in for a time earlier applying clothes or undergarments every bit this volition help optimise absorption.

Always moisturise your peel afterward washing, bathing and showering preferably using a unperfumed emollient. Yous might want to apply a bath emollient or oil in addition to your moisturising lotion, cream or ointment, as these make clean and hydrate the whole body. If you're using bath oils, remember to also apply a condom mat or grip rail as the bathtub can get very slippery.

Sometimes, your peel may demand more than just a moisturiser. Your medico or nurse may recommend a mild steroid ointment or cream to be applied to the areas of eczema.

If y'all have varicose eczema, compression therapy can also help amend your blood flow and ease varicose eczema.

Further reading effectually dermatitis

The National Eczema Society has useful information:

Contact eczema

Atopic eczema

Varicose eczema

The Primary Care Dermatology Society has lots of useful data including a Dermatology Lexicon

Download this page as a pdf to impress

The National Eczema Club Formed in 1975, The National Eczema Society has two principal aims: first, to provide people with independent and practical communication most treating and managing eczema; secondly, to raise awareness of the needs of those with eczema with healthcare professionals, teachers and the government.

Contact details
0800 089 1122
Find out more on The National Eczema Society website

NHS Choices the official NHS website, which provides vital information and support almost leg and foot signs and other symptoms.

Contact details
Call 111 - for non-emergency medical advice
Find out more on the NHS Choices website


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